Tuesday 5 March 2019

Post 12 Rehearsal Footage

Rehearsal Footage

This is my rehearsal footage for my short film. I filmed this short clip in Thetford as it was very quite and peaceful there and there was enough variation on the footpaths for the walk not to be boring.

I think my rehearsal footage could have gone better if I had used a try pod. a lot of my shots were very shaky and bumpy while I was walking along which did not look very good. As well as that some of my shots were very over exposed due to the sun being behind my actors for a lot of the shots.

I think the invisible cut I used in my short clip worked affectively but if I was to do it again I would change the location, for example, I would start in the woods the use an invisible cut to cut to the street.



The idea for  ‘ The Boy in my Loft , ’  was inspired by a story I read about a woman living under the floor in a man’s cupboard for 5 years...