Monday 10 September 2018

Post 3

3 Act Structure 

What is a three act structure? 

A three act structure is where there are 3 main parts to the plot or stripped. Many conventional movies and screen plays now use this conventional method. 
Three Act Structure 

Three act structure is split in to 3 sections, the set up, the confrontation and finally the resolution. 

The Set Up 

The set up is probably the shortest act of the 3 act model. In the set up you meet the main characters in the movie as well as being introduced to what is going to happen in the movie. Most Act ones are made to grip the audience and keep them interested in the movie.

The confrontation

In the confrontation this is where the main action starts, for example in fast and furious 5 this is where the main characters make the first host and burn all the cash of the millionaire. As well as starting the main quest of the movie the confrontation is where romance may start to blossom between characters. 

The Resolution

The resolution is the last act of the three act structure. In this act all parts of the story are brought together and all unanswered questions are answered. Not only are all questions answered there is usually a drop, this drop may consist of couples having an argument, a kid napping or for example before the main robbery  in fast and furious 5 the main characters are caught by the police meaning they can't complete there final goal.  

Even though there are many films that stick to the 3 act structure middle there are films that don't. For example Un Chien Andalou has no set structure and jumps from scene to scene without any logical links between them.  

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