Monday 24 September 2018

Post 7 What's in the news?

Whats In The News

This is a story I found in the news at the moment. It is a bout a family deciding weather to bury there relativise in England or Nigeria as they were Nigerian born but lived in England for the most of there lives. 

I thing this would make a very interesting short film as you could start the film with the deceased as a child when they lived in Nigeria. Next you could almost change the mood of the short film and instead of filming a standard story you could film it as a montage showing all the important parts of there life as they grow up. For example you could show them traveling to England, struggling in an English school on there first day there or even them trying to get there first job. 

Sticking with the montage idea I believe that you could show the gurney the young Nigerian boy, or girl had to take to get to England and all the perils they ad to face long the way. Next you could cut to the family with the asses of the deceased and then show there gurney back tho Nigeria and reenforce how much easier it is to travel there now. Not only would they be traveling back to Nigeria they would also take the same roads, transport and way there deceased relative did.

With this story you could have a young girl who has set up her first social media account.

You could start the short film with the girl starting high school, meeting new people, making friends and exploring the school. In her first form time some of her new friends could be taking about instagram, facebook, snapchat and other social media apps. The young girl could be asked what her account is called and the explain to the other kids that her parents won't let her get an account. The kids could then start making fun of the girl.

In the next scene it could cut to the girl at home arguing with her mum about seeing up social a social media account saying that all her friends have one and she doesn't. The young girl could then storm off to her room. The camera could focus in on the young girl as she is debating to set up an instagram amount even though her parents have said no. Finally in this scene you see the girl set up her first instagram account and upload her first photo.

The next day.
At school the next day the girl walks in to school and people could be sniggering and laughing at her. Form time. Confused and upset the girl asks one of her new friends in form why people were looking at her and laughing. Her friend explains that she didn't put her account on private and some of the boys in the year above had got hold of her image and photo shopped it so she looked all crooked and deformed.

Finally at the very end it could cut to the girl crying on the way home and bursting in to her house and having to explain to her mum and dad what she did and what happened.

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The idea for  ‘ The Boy in my Loft , ’  was inspired by a story I read about a woman living under the floor in a man’s cupboard for 5 years...